You know how you have days when you're all fingers and thumbs? That's me today.

 1. The hangnail I sustained earlier in the week was forgotten until I managed to get some nail varnish remover in it.
 2. I discovered a paper cut I didn't know I had in the same way. Doh!
 3. The tray of freshly-painted glass gems which I'd placed by the window to let the 'fumes' go outside was caught by a gust of wind, tipping them down the side of the filing cabinet on which the tray had been resting. Cue much swearing, and the skilful use of a handy ruler to retrieve them. Thankfully the craftarium is still relatively clean, so at least they weren't coated with dust bunnies.

 So, yeah. On the plus side, no rain today, and The Husbinator bought me some jellybeans, AND I have new nail varnish colours to play with. Because the nail varnish jewellery thing is becoming an obsession with me. Check it out...
Yup, that's all one colour. And sadly, it's also the best photo I can get of these little...darlings at present. Meh.
glitter ring, adjustable ring, silver glitter ring, nail polish ring
Again, best pic I could get. Why, jewellery? WHY?
galaxy ring, silver ring, adjustable ring, starry ring, nail polish ring
This last ring is my current favourite, or, as Del Boy would say,  the 'creme de la menthe'. ;-) I love it. I saw a manicure idea on Pinterest (where else?) and thought it would make a nice idea for a ring. And it did.  I am making a few more of these, with silver glitter.
