Yes, I started out well, but somehow lost momentum. *cough* Anyway, I have (finally) made something else from my Pinterest Challenge Board. Well actually, the wire-wrapped ring I made for the last giveaway could technically be for February or March, so I'm really only down one item. I saw this tutorial on Pinterest a while ago, and although I rarely wear nail varnish/polish, I seem to have amassed rather a collection (a quick glance at my ironing board workspace reveals over 40 bottles). My fingernails do grow and aren't horrendous, but they just don't 'hold' nail varnish. I've tried base coats and top coats, but nothing works. Nail varnish clings like limpets to my toenails, which is something. So, my love of sparkly coloured nail varnishes leaves me with a stash needing to be used. And so the tutorial for nail polish jewellery from the Sweeter Lemon blog is the ideal solution. Here's the pin:


 And here's what I made:

  Nail polish ring adjustable silver colour
Nail polish post earrings silver colour glitter
Nail polish ring turquoise antique brass

I am disappointed with this last right, as despite my best squeezing efforts, a small air bubble has crept in. Meh. But this technique is lots of fun (despite being messy and fiddly), so I will definitely be making more of these.
As for the other challengers, here's what they've been up to.
From BigBlueBed, this really pretty fabric tape:

Amicrafter made a bag from a t-shirt...
AND these two cute amigurumi characters:

Pennydog has been stitching away, using techniques or tutes found on Pinterest:

 I am hoping I'll do better now that the evenings are getting lighter and there's more light (and hopefully motivation) to make things. *crosses nail polish covered fingers*
