The asparagus season is here!

This is one of my favourite times of the year.  In Holland, the asparagus season (aspergeseizoen) has just started, and also in Germany (it's called the Spargelsaison or Spargelzeit). However, both countries seem to favour the white asparagus over the green ones I am used to.
white asparagus hollandaise
They look a bit pale and anaemic, but they taste good, and once they're covered in delicious Hollandaise sauce (also Dutch apparently - the clue's in the name), you hardly notice the colour.  The main downside of them is that they need to be peeled before cooking - and who has time for that? :D

If I have a choice, I do choose the green asparagus though. They just seem more appealing somehow.

green asparagus
 Gorgeous colours. YUM. The canteen at work is offering traditonal Dutch asparagus soup throughout May, so that's a good reason to skip the sandwich. Sadly, I am one of the few for whom asparagus has an unfortunate side effect. I won't taint the asparagus love-in by discussing it here - if you're interested, Google 'asparagus + genetics'. ;-)

Not only have I been getting excited about asparagus soup, I've also been making felt stuff. Well, a felt thing.

felt plush green asparagus
You could tell that was coming really, couldn't you? He's called Gustav (thanks to my Mum for the name suggestion. :-D
