Getting organised for the new year - pimping jam jars

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2011 - I hope you all have a happy, peaceful, and healthy year.

I am hoping to be more organised this year, and I'm trying to get my craft supplies under control. So when I spotted this tutorial on Design Sponge (via Pinterest - be warned, Pinterest is very addictive), I knew I wanted to try it. I use glass jars to store beads and buttons at the moment, but this way, I get to pimp my jam jars. And how often does one get chance to do that? :D So, here is one of the heroes of our tale:

We get through quite a lot of these, as we get all our packaged veggies in jars now. Apparently, aluminium cans are bad, m'kay? I also have a few Bonne Maman jam jars, which look quite cute already with their gingham lids, but I also pimped one of these, just for the heck of it. I don't need another excuse to stuff my face with jam, but I'll take it.

The tutorial suggested using scraps of paper you have lying about, and I had just the thing. It's an envelope from the Dutch version of the RAC/AA - I love these envelopes, the insides are so pretty:

So, I followed the tute, drawing, cutting, pasting (and getting ModgePodge under my fingernails), and here are the resulting pimped jars:

They look even better when filled with pretties:

Not sure what's going on with the camera angle - they look a bit odd. Anyway, I think they've turned out rather well. I have some more jars waiting for their makeover, I just need to figure out where I've put the packet of origami papers I have. *sigh*
