Snow and tell

See what I did there? It's actually not even topical now, as all the snow has melted. Tsk.

Again, apologies for not having posted for ages - the usual excuses apply. Plus I've been feverishly crafting things for Secret Santas, and of course, I can't show those pics yet. But....I can show some of the lovely things I've acquired in the last week or two.

First up, my gluhwein mug from Aachen in Germany. Which has just reminded me that I haven't posted my pics from the Christmas markets yet. Oops.

Not only did we get to drink some yummy gluhwein, but we got to keep the cute mug it came in!

I've also made some festive purchases at our local supermarket, which I usually do round Christmas and Easter time. They have a nice selection of decs and such, so I have a few goodies for storage purposes.

This cute storage tin was very reasonably priced, so how could I resist it? I also have an Easter one in a similar style, with bunnies and chicks on it. :D

Bowl from the same shop. Not sure what I will fill this with. Ferrero Rocher, perhaps?

And finally, the peas du resistance. Ta da da DAH!

Yes, it is plastic, and it's not very 'vintage homes, dahling', but I love it. Zooming in....
Candy-striped glass bead earrings which will be in my shop just as soon as we get decent enough light for me to get some photos taken.

Festive spangles. Some tiny bells which I am determined will be used to annoy folks in the run-up to Christmas (oooh, maybe I need festive bell earrings for work?) and snowflakes which will be used to decorate presents.
And of course, buttons. Freshly bought from a fabulous seller called BrizelSupplies. Do NOT all charge over there and buy out her entire shop, please, I'm not sure I'm finished shopping yet. ;-) Check out those gorgeous yellow buttons bottom right of the photo. They will be featured in their own extreme close-up shot very soon. Oh yes.

That's it for now. As I said, I'm hoping for a bit of sunshine this week, so I can try to get some photos taken of things I've made. We are forecast some more snow later this week (woop!) so the title of this post will be relevant again, which is handy.
