Button your red shoes and dance the blues

Yup, another very bad pun. I don't know what possessed me, I'm not even a fan of David Bowie. 6/10 for effort, must try harder.

I just wanted to share a couple of button-based items I've made recently. The first is a rather nice pendant, which is made from a couple of vintage buttons (and one not vintage at all button):

The larger button is a rather nice olive green/brown colour, with a hint of pearlised sheen to it.

The tiny white pearl button in the centre is the non-vintage imposter, but it works rather well with the other two buttons, I think.

These heart-shaped clasps are so cute, I love them. I am becoming a fan of antique brass findings now - yeah, about a decade after everyone else, I know.

And here's a quick button-y ring I made for myself:

After reading 'Button it up' by Susan Beal, I became very enthusiastic about button jewellery, but I am a-feared about damaging vintage buttons. I've been happily snipping off button shanks and sanding the backs down for my own selfish reasons. However, these buttons are just too lovely not to use, and the shanks were actually tiny brass screws which could be removed without damaging the button. So I can always dismantle this ring, screw the shank back in and use the button 'as intended'. Not gonna happen though, because I loves me this ring. :D
