It's vintage, darling!

My obsession with buttons continues unabated, and now that I have been reunited with Ebay, I have a much larger selection of buttons to drool over. I decided that I want to start my own 'button tin', and took the easy option by winning this one on Ebay:

The tin has pictures commemorating 'the historic city of Carlisle', which isn't far from where I once lived in the Lake District. I think the tin used to hold tea or sweets, although it arrived filled with vintage sewing stuff, including a darning 'mushroom', thread and some rather pretty crocheted lace:

OK, so I am unlikely to darn a sock any time soon (although I am tempted to try it, just to see if I can), but I just love the vintage look of it all.

And then there's the buttons...oh my!

This is just a small selection of the goodies from the tin.
I also acquired some new buttons from the haberdashery section of John Lewis in Liverpool.

I must confess, I wasn't that impressed with the selection on offer there. Buttons were thin on the ground. However, if I'd wanted saucepans, I'd have been in seventh heaven. Humph!

Finally, I accidentally bought some vintage-y (it's a real word, honest!) buttons on Etsy:

Aside from the sunny gorgeousness of the buttons, I love the style of the packaging. *contented sigh*
