A wonderful, warm world of buttons

It is still warm here. I am melting. I have managed to peel myself off the sofa long enough to make some more earrings, but that's about it. The supplies I was hoping to use this weekend have not arrived, so I am too hot and slightly grumpy. However, I shall attempt to cheer myself (and anyone else suffering from heat-based crabbiness) up with a few fabulous buttony finds.

First, some beautiful handmade polymer clay buttons by Beadcomber

Next up are these colourful button magnets from YouAreMySunshine:

And the last item (what, you thought I could write a post that doesn't mention earrings somewhere?) are these vivid green fabric button earrings from Bijunea:

And if that didn't cheer you up, have a look at these famous film quotes which feature buttons*:

"May the buttons be with you" One of the many, many, Star Wars films
"I love the smell of buttons in the morning!" Apocalypse Now
"Show me the buttons!" Jerry McGuire
"Button. James Button." Dr No
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a button!" Gone with the Wind

*May not actually be true. What can I say, I guess the heat (and the glue fumes) got to me. I think I'll go and have a little lie down...
