Oh, nuts!

Picture the scene...I bound home from work to discover a parcel on the doormat - whee, craft supplies! I have been waiting to make some earrings with the tiny bread rolls I talked about in a previous post. So, I ordered some earring pads, and, as they come in largish quantities, I ordered some gorgeous cabachon beads so that I wouldn't have loads of the earring pads knocking about the place. *ahem*

Anyway, the earring pads arrived and....no earnuts (that's 'earring backs', or 'scroll backs' to us non-Americans, I think)! I had rather stupidly assumed that they'd be sold together, but a quick check at the online shop revealed that no, they were sold separately, and that the photos of the earring nuts/backs displayed with the earring pads was purely for display purposes. Pfeh. I am teh stupidz. Anyway, having recently found the tube of glue I lost, I decided to go ahead and make the earrings anyway, even in the absence of earring nuts/backs. And, here they are. Apologies up front for the iffy photos - it's a bit dark here, and the earring kept rolling giddily about.

Bread rolls:

These are so pretty - I am going to keep a pair for myself:

Actually, I like these too:

And these too - gotta love green!

And these are so dainty and cute - not really my style at all, but I do love them:

Luckily, all the cabs came in multiple packs, so I can make at least one pair of each set to sell, and one to keep for me, me, me! I could even offer a pair of these as the prize in my 'What are you going to do while the world cup is on?' giveaway. Aha! *lightbulb*

Of course, I can't sell or give away any of them until I locate some earnuts. Humph.
