My work space...

...where the magic happens. ;-) Or not.

I've seen this sort of post before on other people's blogs, and found it quite interesting to see where other people do their creative stuff. Of course, a lot of times, it ends in me feeling quite jealous that people have massive studios in which to work. However, now I have my new worktable, things aren't too bad - it's a definite improvement on how it looked last year. Check it out...

1. Beads.
2. More beads.
3. Mo' beads, some pliers, and findings.
4. Button off my jacket - must sew that back on soon.
5. Current WIP - don't look, it's meant to be a secret!
6. Cute tins from a Dutch store, filled with stuff I've made, and yet more beads.
7. New books about wire work jewellery. *happy*
8. Free gift from subscription to Make Jewellery magazine - yes, more beads. :D
9. Bowl with some felt creations - that's Morris peeping out from behind the earring display.
10. A print of my lovely Edge, bought for me by my equally lovely Hubster.

If you have a work space pic to share, post a comment with a link so I can have a good old nose at it. :D
