It's a small world

My love for bright, shiny, sparkly things is well-documented on this very blog, but I'm not sure if you're aware of how much I love miniature things too. A couple of years ago we visited Germany, and found a toy shop which sold items for doll's houses. I took great delight in squealing over all the tiny things in the shops. So this week, when I had chance to visit the shop again, I made sure to buy myself a few little souvenirs:

Yes, that is a wooden bread roll. And a can of bratwurst. And a bottle of apple juice drink of some descriptions. Of course, without a ruler, you have no idea of scale. Look, look, LOOK!

Yes, that's in centimetres. So they're really rather small.

Now, if I tell you that I bought two of each item pictured above, can you guess what I'm planning to make? No, of course you can't. ;-)

They work! Well, I haven't tried to cut paper with them, but they open and close anyway. Excitement!

I also got some equally tiny teapots/coffeepots which will no doubt end up as jewellery too:
