A very Belgian adventure part one

This weekend the Hubster and I went to Brussels to stay with some lovely friends of ours. We arrived on Saturday in time for a delicious lunch, and then my friend (S) and I set off in search of a rather swanky fabric shop while the menfolk went to the British supermarket to stock up on crisps and suchlike.

The shop is called Les tissus du Chien Vert (French and Dutch only) and it is an amazing place.

There were so many beautiful fabrics, I spent a lot of time oohing and aahing, despite the fact that I can't really sew.

The shop itself had some amazing features - for example, a mural and fish pond:

There was also a boat suspended from the ceiling - my photo of that didn't turn out so well. But look! Cushions resting in what looks like a bit of a rickshaw!

And yet more cushions in what looks like a Trabant:

Please note, the only reason I've even heard of this make of car is because it was a feature of the U2 Zoo TV tour and it appears on the cover of their album Achtung Baby (which happens to be one of my favourites). OK, I'm done - back to the fabric shop!

There were loads of interesting features dotted about the place - check out this loom (at least, I think it's a loom - it does look loomish, doesn't it?):

And despite all the tempting fabrics, S and I left the shop without spending much - S bought a large bag of yummy buttons and I bought nothing. Yup, I was so well-behaved. :D

Speaking of buttons, I found some I'd bought a while ago for some felt project or other, and I thought they'd make nice earrings. Which they did...but boy, are they difficult to photograph!

There's a bit too much shiny. Plus I started taking photos in the evening, and the light was a funny colour (due to a gorgeous sunset). So, I will have to keep working on them, as I want to put them in my shop this week.

We also went to a fantastic Medieval market yesterday - I will post about that later, as I haven't sorted through the photos yet. And I have a rather special photo to share tomorrow...
