Beaded jewellery items

OK, in my last post, I mentioned that I had accidentally, through sheer politeness, bought some more beads at the craft fair. Yes, I know - the EU bead mountain is already teetering on my work table, I didn't need more beads. But I guess I was a magpie in a former life. Or I'm just weak. Anyway, I made some more jewellery and not just earrings either *high fives herself* (not as easy as it sounds).

I loved this textured bead, but in the photo, it looks ridiculously large, as if the delicate chain wouldn't be able to hold it. Hmmm. May need to take more photos at the weekend.

Earrings (yay, haven't made any of these for a good few....hours). These beads are fabulous, they really look like ice. I may need to get a pic of them in sunlight for best effect.

There were strands of these beads in lots of different colours - only the fact that I was too short to reach up to where they were hanging stopped me buying armfuls of them. I did buy them in the dark blue (pictured) and purple. Yummeh.

Another tricky one. If I managed to turn the bead so that the light hit it and showed off the colours, then the bead caps moved out of place and looked bad. I think I maybe need to reshoot a few of these items, but I was just so excited about new beads and new jewellery.

By the way, what do you think of the grey background in the necklace pictures? Better than the white background, isn't it?
