What becomes of the broken-hearted?

Yes, another song title, and....another felt creation!

This is Gunther. He is broken-hearted (hence the plaster). His girlfriend, Bernice, just left him, saying they were no longer 'compatible', and that Gunther's allergy to shellfish is 'tiring and restrictive'. Poor Gunther is spending his time eating large quantities of ice cream, and has starting listening to Radiohead albums.

I've also been toying with a new idea, which uses my craft mangle. Cupcake toppers:

Yes, I know, that's not a cupcake, it's a muffin. If there are any cupcake makers out there who would be kind enough to send me samples of their cupcakes, I will take the photo with them. No? Oh well, it was worth a try. :-D

You can see the glitter more clearly on the red felt - it doesn't show as well on the paler colours.

And as there's a song title at the top, you know what's coming next...this one's for you, Gunther!


  1. Poor Gunther. I did warn him about that awful Bernice, but would he listen? Nooooo. Felt bakery toppers. What a great idea!



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