Crafteroo Secret Santa

Before we go hurtling into a dizzying whirl of crafts in 2010, I want to show you the lovely goodies I received from my Secret Santa on Crafteroo. The Secret Santa was organised by the splendid Vonnie, and my wonderful Secret Santa was Ali of CraftMatters. She relentlessly stalked me to find out what I would like - to be fair, I was unusually forthright and dropped rather large hints, but I *was* only trying to be helpful to my Santa. *innocent* And it paid off big time, because look what I got. Look!

There's a beautiful pincushion, in my favourite colours, and the bottom half is crocheted:

Look at the cuteness! And such lovely fabric. It's even got a pretty button on top:

And there is also an almost matching needlebook:

I haven't used either yet, but I am hoping to get round to some sewing this weekend. That's if I can bring myself to stick pins in that gorgeous pincushion - I will be brave. ;-) I also got some yummy wool felt, pins in a dinky tin (I actually needed pins, as my box of bog-standard pins has mysteriously vanished), a spool of vintage thread, and some delicious tea bags and choccie, which also seem to have mysteriously disappeared. *ahem*

Yes, well, moving on, I am thrilled with my pressies, thank you so much to Ali for making them and putting together such a pretty parcel for me (the sequin strands in the first picture are from the wrapping on my pressies) and thank you to Vonnie for organising it all.


  1. It was my pleasure! And I like big hints - makes life soooo much easier. :)


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