Going batty

I apologise for the lack of posts on here recently, I am suffering a huge motivational slump. Not just with blogging, with creative stuff in general. I don't like it, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. And it's not being helped by this:

Discobat. Possibly the most difficult item I've had to photograph. And as punishment for this, I have yet to name it.

I tried a more interesting background, I even attached a cord to hang it for photos, but nothing works.

Any suggestions for how to photograph discobat for my shop are welcome.


  1. I think he's adorable (er, I mean scary Hee hee) Hang him from a tree upside down - that's where they live! Or sit him in a bowl of candy ready for all those kids coming 'round for "trick or treat"

  2. Ooh, I like the bowl of sweets idea. Thanks!


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