Can't felt, won't felt

Or Adventures in Needle Felting, part 2.5.

Something made me want to give felting another go. I don't remember what now, but this tutorial by Sara from Sara's Texture Crafts made me want to try making a wet-felted ball. And so I did. It went reasonably well, although the ball cracked while I was making it, so I had to add more roving to it. I let it dry, then needle felted some details onto it.

Mr B recognised what it was, which was quite impressive. He did call it a 'Flump owl' and made it dance around on the table to the theme tune from The Flumps. Not. Helping. Anyway, I just tried to make another, larger ball, with different roving, and that cracked. Horribly. Not sure if it's fixable. It was only going to be a ball for the cats to play with, but still. Maybe I'm just not meant to felt? I will be disappointed if I can't do it, as I am too much of a beginner knitter to be able to make things to full. M-eh.

On the plus side, rummaging about for the bag of needle felting kit turned up a bag of small polysterene balls I didn't know I had, which saves me having to go into town tomorrow (possibly).


  1. It is definately recognizable as an owl.

    I shall have to blog about my needle felting effort - a teddy I call Flat Stanley for good reason.

  2. Aww that's a really cute little owl!!

  3. Yes Alix, I'd love to see Flat Stanley! And thanks, both.

  4. aww too cute.. but you know I love little owls anyway!

  5. He's a nice owl. If he was white, he'd be an Okpik! That's Inuit for Snowy Owl. ;)



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