My name up in lights!

OK, not quite, but admit it, you read the title and thought 'And not before time', didn't you? ;-)

I've been nominated for a 'Lovely Blog Award' by the fragrant and fabulous (I've met her in real life, so I *know* this) Ali from Moon Garden.

Of course, this is all so unexpected, so I don't have a speech planned *frantic shuffling of index cards*. I will simply say thank you, and make a few nominations of my own for the award.

1. Deri's. As you probably know, I make the occasional felt character. However, my creations pale into insignificance next to Deri's work. I love, love, LOVE what she does - the detail is amazing and her stitching is fiercely neat (so jellus). She even made felt bondage peeps (yes, really). My favourite has to be her Freddie Mercury doll though - legen(wait for it......)dary.

2. Not sure that Howie wants to be referred to as 'lovely', but I reckon he's man enough to cope with the attention. I don't remember how I found his blog, but I do remember squealing with delight when I watched the video of him launching a crocheted UFO (with glow in the dark yarn details - yes, really). His crocheted pieces are a-maz-ing, and he has a great sense of humour and fun (v. important, acksholoi).

3. Kats, PI. The lovely Kats is multi-talented, but as she's currently rejigging her crafty blog, I will bestow a nomination on her marvellous Kats PI blog, which chronicles the adventures of a glamorous yet modest detective type. As the tagline says: "Just like Magnum, but with better dress sense. And less facial hair."

4. Molly's Art Blog. Mollinda may be a bit.....well, let's be nice and say 'eccentric' ;-), but I love her art. So much talent in one so young. *grinds teeth*

5. Hollingdale Designs Gill is one of my crafty girl crushes, because she makes the most beeyoootiful polymer clay buttons, which are used in all kinds of creative ways, including as toppers for rather funky (surely there's a better word for 'funky' than 'funky'? It sounds so naff!) knitting needles, as made by the equally talented Pennydog. Gill also makes amazing lampwork glass items, a real feast for the eyes.

6. Futuregirl craft blog. There are so many great tutorials on this blog, it's a good and interesting resource. Check out the felt mushroom tutorial, and accompanying photo shoot (see, some people's partners don't think that making inanimate objects from felt is weird! *glares at Mr B*). I would like an update on the (real) baby cacti though.

7. The Hidden Seed. I love reading this blog, although I get pangs of jealousy over Elsita's clothes, her house, her hair. *green with envy* And don't even start me on how talented she is. I love the style of her blog, and the stories she tells. Definitely 'One Lovely Blog'.

Nominees: your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to graciously and stylishly accept this award by copying and posting the award pic to your blog. Then please spread the love by nominating seven other blogs, and informing the lucky nominees of their award.

Oooh, doesn't it all give you a warm glow? Nice. *nods happily*


  1. First of all, who's adorable?! You are! Thank you so much for the wonderful nomination. You are too kind. :) Second, life is kicking my ass right now, so I'm not going to get a chance to do the whole post-nominate-thank-you thing on my blog like I totally should, but that doesn't mean you didn't make my day (translation, you totally made my day!). Third, since you asked, I'm killing all the tiny cactuses. Sad but true. I have no idea what the heck I'm doing all wrong. Maybe they are sad I stopped posting about them. ;)

  2. That's fine, don't worry, I'm just glad you were happy with the award. I must confess, I bought some cactus seed months ago, and haven't had the nerve to go ahead and sew them, so I was living vicariously through your blog. :-D

  3. =) Thank you so much! I'm honored and touched that you thought of me and my little ones! <3

  4. Excellent nominees! I shall be lurking, I mean visiting nicely, on their sites very soon! Well deserved everyone, especially Kitty.


  5. Eccentric is fair. I would even go so far as to say a little kind.

    I made a little special mention for you on my latest journal update. Oh yes.

  6. Hi, I really like your blog, so I hope you dont mind me tagging you in mine!


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