Sunday button Sunday

No, I agree, the title doesn't really work, but I am giddy about the new U2 album, and upcoming tour, so I'm just going to stay with it.

This last week has been hectic to say the least. My PC keeled over last Saturday, so I've been using the Hubster's notebook, which has the World's Tiniest Keyboard. It drives me mad. I have a new PC on order, but as it's Carnaval time, I don't expect it to arrive for at least another week. *sulks*

I have tried to use my time to be creative, but we had to take Boycat to the vets twice last week, so two evenings were spent travelling there and back, then trying to get a large, stressed cat to take tablets. Understandably, I didn't feel much like crafting after that. I've been really busy at work this week too, as well as attending a 2-day course on giving presentations (during which I discovered that I am better at public speaking than I thought I was). So as you can imagine, there's not been much time for crafting. However, I do have some pics of things I've made recently.

I have been trying to make some polymer clay buttons recently, and practise appears to be paying off a bit.

The button top right (next to the purple button) is one of my favourites, but I can't seem to get a decent picture of it. I think the glaze stops the camera from focussing properly. Or I'm trying to take photos in poor light. I am hoping to combine it with felt to make myself a brooch.

The purple and green button can be seen here:

Somehow Photoshop has 'squashed' the proportions of the photo a little, in real life it's much less 'squat'. :-D

I really like this green button, although I don't know what I am going to do with it yet:

It has been sanded, but not glazed, as I like the soft appearance of the clay as it is. I am almost tempted to pick up my knitting needles and make a scarf upon which the button could be showcased.

And aside from the button-fest, I made a birthday card for my nan, so I can cross another item off my 50 things list.

And now I'm torn between playing around with beads or getting my felting materials out. I suppose I could try making some jewellery - the first loop I try to make is usually a good indication of whether the god of beads is smiling on my that day. If not, I have a bamboo mat to try out for wet-felting.


  1. Great buttons Kitty!! I love the purple heart with the button on too!

  2. Beautiful buttons! I want some NOW!

  3. wow.. beautiful buttons.. I must get to work on that "Vibrant" thingy... because those buttons are incredibly vibrant and beutiful.


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