Saturday crafts

OK, so this is cheating slightly, as only one of the items was made today, but I can't get decent photos when it's dark out, so I waited until today to get pics.

First up, a felt poppy brooch I've made for myself for Remembrance Sunday. I forgot (once again) to ask someone in the UK to send me a poppy over, so I've made my own. I will be making a donation to the Royal British Legion too, but I think it's important to keep the tradition of wearing a poppy for remembrance going.

Secondly, and this was actually made today, I had an idea for some Christmas decs and wanted to try something out. I'm not 100% sure about it - I might just keep it for myself, rather than make a few for the shop.

The thread is a gorgeous blue-green variegated embroidery floss - I've been wanting to use it for something for ages. Maybe the faux snow background is too soft to show the dec off properly - I might have another go at photographing it tomorrow.
